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Monday, February 24, 2020

How To Build Thousands of Backlinks Without Even Asking For Them (5 Actionable Tactics)

How To Build Thousands of Backlinks Without Even Asking For Them (5 Actionable Tactics)

A lot of people are reluctant to build backlinks they get scared because you need to outreach to hundreds if not thousands of websites owners before you get your first handful of backlinks the truth be told you don't have to do that there are organic ways where you can attract backlinks without practically doing outreach.

Today I'm gonna break down how  to build thousands of backlinks without  even asking for before we get started to make sure you subscribe to this channel  and if you're on youtube click the alert  notification so the first tactic

How To Build Thousands of Backlinks Without Even Asking For Them (5 Actionable Tactics)
How To Build Thousands of Backlinks Without Even Asking For Them (5 Actionable Tactics)

 I have  for you to offer free courses

 I'm not  talking about blogging 

I'm talking about  full-blown courses look everyone has a  blog these days there are over a billion  blogs on the web there's so much content  that hey creating more block on it's not  gonna guarantee anything but creating  courses people love that HubSpot Academy  

this is a course from HubSpot it's a  free marketing course offers  certification as well and they get over  a thousand backlinks from four hundred  and fifty referring domain names  according to rumors suggests in the  United States alone they have over thirty-seven thousand visitors per month  to that course a lot of people love  their course because they want to be  certified by hub saw which is an  important brand in the marketing space 

 now if you're gonna use the approach of  creating course like hub spot make sure  your course is super detailed thorough  it's so good that people would have paid  money for it right look at the udemy  courses if it's that quality and you  release it for free you'll do really  well the second tactic I have for you  create free tools with lewbert suggests 

 I've been able to get over 25,000  backlinks from over three thousand four  hundred referring domain names building  free tools is amazing now here's the  kicker about lubbers suggests it also is  in many different languages like German  Spanish Portuguese and the list goes on  and on when you include all variations there are another eleven thousand  backlinks from over 3,000 more referring  domain names that are a lot and this  doesn't just happen in the SEO industry  it happens in all industries Bankrate  they have a mortgage hacker  that has over 3,400 backlinks from over  413 referring domain names if you don't  have the money to build a tool like uber  suggester Bank Rate don't worry about it  there's a site called code 

Canyon when  you go to it you can buy a tool for  pretty much any industry out there for  literally 5 10 20 30 40 dollars it's  very rare to see tools on code Canyon  for 30 or 40 dollars most of them from  what we saw that are good are around 10  20 dollars that means you can do really  well by just spending 10 bucks and you  can generate backlinks overtime will  happen instantly it won't happen  overnight but over time you'll  constantly see your tools getting more  and more backlinks 

The Third Tactic 

I  have for you come up with stats and  industry reports that are generated by  you and your team, in other words, their  proprietary last year alone I launched  two reports including proprietary  statistics that I've gathered from my  own audience one of them I got data from  183 companies 

we're all leveraging  content marketing and produce 17 charts  that show where content marketing is  headed and the other one about social  media I was able to pull 483 companies  who are all leveraging Facebook YouTube  Instagram Twitter Linkedin and Pinterest  these two studies alone have generated  over ninety-seven thousand backlinks  from 119 referring domain names that are a  lot of links just from studies 

you  should consider creating your own the  fourth strategy use ego bait is  basically something that I've all  struggling the ego of an influencer or  website owner that you want to link from  there are a few ways that you can do  this the simplest way is round-up posts  round-up posts example of this is you  take all the influencers out there in  your space and you do an interview with  them ask them one simple question  they'll give you feedback and when you  give feedback publish that in one  comprehensive post share it out there on  the social web email them all once it's  published and ask them to share it and  link to it  most people will share it every once in  a while some will link to it another  thing you can do is review books tools  and other things from other websites  that you want links from because a lot  of these sites that offer tools  books they'll link back and say hey  check out this review on XYZ site com  

another way is listicles 

example of this  the top 15 SEO experts you should follow  in 2020 so when you do this you're  listening to people a lot of people link  out to this being like look I'm on this  list it's amazing I've done it I've  linked out to Forbes talking about Neil  Patel being a top ten marketer right you  can also do interviews interviewing  other influencers Shockley you're like  hey most these influencers 

I don't know  it's okay just cold email them most  people will say yes I'll take an  interview and it can be a blog interview  video interview podcast interview dully  share it if not link to him awards are  another amazing way you can create  awards like the top hundred digital  marketing blogs the top hundred pet  blogs whatever it is within your  industry create a badge you can go on  Fiverr pay someone five dollars of  credit badge or use canvas to create your  own badge give it to people a lot of  them will have better on their website  and link back to you the fifth tip 

I  have for you is employ infographics and  data visualizations look infographics  are huge they aren't as useful as they once  were in the past but they're still super  effective data visualization is when you  get data and present it in a more  user-friendly way so it's statistics  historical timelines Maps geography  distribution and with infographics, you  can take all this data and display it in  an animated way that's interactive and  in a storytelling way so when you do  this people like oh cool  I can end up seeing an infographic on  things like how car engines work or how  fast a cheetah runs and it's done in a  simple visual way where people like oh  cool this makes sense this generates  literally thousands of links over time I  used to have a company called  KISSmetrics  

and the majority of the links that we  generated were from infographics and the  blog out of 10 million visitors a month  but the reason the blog did well is all  the infographics have created over 40 of  them got thousands of links and that  caused all the blog content to rank  higher as well so yes it's a lot of work  to be building links but you can do it  in a more effortless way if you use one  of the tactics that I mentioned  if you need help increasing your  rankings getting more links writing  content and doing it the right way  check out my ad agency in yo Patel  digital if you have any questions leave  a comment below if you enjoy the video  like it share it to tell the people about  it thank you for watching  

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